You’re Welcome Here

I’m continuing with my return to Australian music, with John Burland‘s latest album, We Follow Jesus.

His website describes it thusly:

A vibrant and engaging album by Australian educator and composer John Burland.

Perfect for children and families, this collection celebrates the call to follow Jesus with faith, hope, and love. Designed to complement Religious Education programs in both school and parish settings, each song enriches understanding and deepens knowledge of our faith. Featuring a variety of musical styles, the album explores themes such as, forgiveness, the Kingdom of God, creation, justice, the Emmaus journey, the Creed, and the Beatitudes. “We Follow Jesus” is an essential resource for any faith community.

What you expect from John Burland is expertly recorded pop songs in a wide range of genres that are ideal for schools but have application beyond that. I am always interested in music for liturgy, but that is not always the first intention here. As I say repeatedly here, the most healthy section of the Australian Catholic Church is the school area and in music that is especially so, and happily much of the music that is designed for young people is fine for not so young people.

The sheet music collection is $A20 from his website, where you can also by the music album.

The first song is, appropriately, an enthusiastic song for welcoming that is fine for gathering for mass. It was written by John Burland and Philippe-Marc Anquetil. It is a well constructed pop song with an engaging change in tune for the second verse. I’m fine with the “oo”s but as with many of Burland’s songs the pitch is for performance and I would be lowering the key for an assembly, especially of you indulge him with the key change.

It’s interesting pitting Band in a Box against Nashville’s musicians and recording excellence, and it’s fun failing. I just like singing with a backing rather than a performance for learning purposes.

Come gather here you’re welcome in this place
Where God’s great love is bringing endless grace
We gather with God’s loving family
We’re gonna celebrate that God is great together
You’ve welcome here OOOO (In God’s House)
You’ve welcome here OOOO (In God’s House)

1 Young and old we’re called to gather here
For we are loved and our God holds us near
We’re called to walk as Jesus did
Following in all his ways


2 If we love like he does
And we give like he gives
Then we’ll know that there’s hope
If we love like he does
And we give like he gives
Then we’ll know that there’s hope
We can find

© 2023 John Burland and Phil Anquetil

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