I am working through Psalms for All Time, which is now in its second edition as the first volume of a three volume set from Paul Mason. I am working from the the original version and it is an amazing collection of musical ideas backed with erudition – go buy it.
This is the psalm for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B as well as a seasonal psalm for Lent. It has an obvious use for Reconciliation and would be fine for funerals. The text is in your missal or as set by Kate Keefe here.
I rarely quibble with Mason’s taste but for a song marked Legato Lament, 120 is too fast. You can hear a beautifully sung version at this speed at his site. I prefer the lovely D minor key tunes for the verses, over the more pedestrian refrain in F, although when the second vocal line kicks in makes more sense.
My backings are at ~100/min. I thought the first to fussy, so I did it again. Of course, BIAB is having nothing to do with his intricate piano backing with its expressive bass runs as it just works off the chords, so listen to the version on the website again and focus on his piano part.