I’m nearing the end of the Prayer and Praise songs in Spirit & Song Vol 1 and if I skip one it means I’ve already blogged it.
This one is words by Mike Nelson and music by Mike Nelson and Anthony Perna. It is singable by an assembly for a change, but each verse has a different tune and the the third is completely different to the others so is best regarded as a bridge.
You can hear a version here.
With all I am I come with humble heart,
I come with soul rejoicing to do your will.
With all I am, all I can be, all I offer I offer for you.
Verse 1
Teach me your ways, O Lord, and send me forth
with your word on my lips and in my heart.
Verse 2
Let your compassion live within me,
so that I may give all as you give to me.
Verse 3
In all creation is your presence.
Help me to see you in all I serve.
© Michael P. Nelson and Michael A Perna 1997.