This is an ongoing survey of hymns from OCP’s Guitar Accompaniment Book c2005, that I purchased second hand. It is a loose leaf monster of a tome and the more popular and well known songs are also present in other collections, especially As One Voice, so I have covered them already. I am finding old hymns that CWB II didn’t use, Spanish songs that are more useful in the US than here, and songs heavy on the cantoring that our assembly tends to avoid so we can all sing together.
This is none of those, however, it is a Dan Schutte song that I haven’t seen before. I have already gone through Gather Comprehensive for David Haas and Marty Haugen songs that I hadn’t blogged, but I haven’t chased up Dan Schutte’s deeper cuts, so I am still finding unfamiliar material.
This is singable Christmas song if you are looking for a contrast to traditional carols. It has an interlude between each verse for a solo instrument.
The text is available here. OCP sell the sheet music.