This is What We Believe

John Burland has done a somewhat hip hop version of the Creed in his new collection, We Follow Jesus. It would suit schools and first communion classes in the parish.

The last line of each verse breaks the rhythmic convention of the melody to that point in a very creative way.

The sheet music for the collection is $A20 at his website.

My backing is hip hop.

This is what we believe

1 In God the Father who made the earth and everything we see
In Jesus Christ the Saviour of the World
That Jesus is the Son of God who saved us from our sin
He died for us and rose again so we could live

2 Through the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ was born
and Mary the mother of God’s Son
In all the Saints united in the forgiveness of our God
That we will rise again to life eternally

© 2023 John Burland and Phil Anquetil

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