The Lord Is Present in His Sanctuary PTG216

Getting back to the Dominican Father’s Praise To God: Parish Hymn Book, this is another sourced from All Together Again.

Godsongs has the background and PTG lists the songwriter as Gail Cole and the songs origin in the Episcopalian Church of the Messiah in Detroit. Hymnary only lists it in one hymnal, Renew! Songs and Hymns for Blended Worship, but it is also in PTG and Songs of the Spirit. The sheet music might need to be found in second hand copies of these. The words and chords are all over the internet, which is probably all you need.

1 The Lord is present in His sanctuary

Let us praise the Lord.

The Lord is present in His people
gathered here,

Let us praise the Lord.

Praise Him, praise Him let us praise the

Praise Him, praise Him let us praise

2 The Lord is present in His sanctuary

Let us sing to the Lord.

The Lord is present in His people
gathered here,

Let us sing to the Lord.

Sing to Him, sing to Him let us sing to the

Sing to Him, sing to Him let us sing to

3 The Lord is present in His sanctuary

Let us delight in the Lord.

The Lord is present in His people
gathered here,

Let us delight in the Lord.

Delight Him, delight Him let us delight
the Lord.

Delight Him, delight Him let us delight

4 The Lord is present in His sanctuary

Let us serve the Lord.

The Lord is present in His people
gathered here,

Let us serve the Lord.

Serve Him, serve Him, let us serve the

Serve Him, serve Him, let us serve Jesus.

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