One of the unexpected benefits that has come out of this blog is that I can check what the parish I was at used for a liturgy the last couple of times it came around. Over the years various lovely people have also put up the music from the liturgies they attended or played at, so that if you search you often get a lot of different suggestions and many styles of worship. That is one of the reasons people wind up here. Interestingly, during pandemic shutdowns over the last two years the traffic pretty much halved – it is recovering, so I think people are back singing at mass. The other nice thing is that these liturgies throw up songs I haven’t come across.
Ryan’s parish are using a version of “Take, O Take Me As I Am” as a Lenten Communion rite. The refrain is a pre-existing song by John Bell. Gabe Huck has added verses and the arrangement is by Tony Alonso. The preview at GIA has music for the Lamb of God then the spoken liturgy, which is followed by this song for Communion. You can buy that version at GIA in lots of 10 for downloading or in single copies by mail – this seems to be the way things are going folks.
I was more impressed by Bell’s song, as a simple mantra for the assembly. A choir could do it in parts, but the melody alone would be fine. Hymnary have all the hymnals in which it can be found and you can purchase the sheet music there as well.