I’m working through the songs from Frank Andersen’s Everything I Possess collection that I haven’t already covered. That means the “hits” like “Galilee Song” and “Springs of Salvation” won’t need doing.
This one is a very slow ballad based on 1 John 1.
The melody line edition only has two verses but there is a third in the full arrangement book. It would be difficult to sustain such a long slow song.
Something that we have seen with our own eyes.
Something that we have touched with our own hands.
What we have heard we give to you so that you may be deep in our God.
This is what we have heard from God and the message we announce to you:
God is Light, truly light! There can be no darkness in God!
We place our faith in what we know in the love God has towards ourselves.
God is love and he lives in anyone who lives in love.
No-one has ever seen our God but as long as we can live in love
God will live deep in us. His love will be complete in us.
© Frank Andersen