Entrance: Prepare the Way of the Lord (Boniwell) CWB II 250
Gifts: Mercy from the Heart of God (O’Brien/Ogilive) AOVD
Communion: Here I Am Lord (Schutte) AOV 1/90
Recessional: Send Down the Fire (Haugen) AOV 2/164
I was actually away in Melbourne for the weekend and so didn’t play locally. We went to St Francis’s church in Lonsdale St. The church was full for the 9.30am mass. There was a cantor and organist. From up the back it didn’t appear that there was any participation in the music by the assembly, but I suppose a lot of people there weren’t locals, so it is hard to see how that could be achieved. They do try I think, as the tunes for the hymns used are well know in one sense – eg HYFRYDOL and PICARDY, but perhaps they were new to the younger audience.
They used Philip Carmody’s MISSA SIMPLEX. They also use “Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again”, which is somewhat rebellious. The prayers were very social justice orientated and Cardinal Pell was prayed for the Sunday after he died, but no other mention was made of him. So I guess this is a “liberal”, for Melbourne, inner city parish with traditional hymnody. If so, I wonder how that works only a few tram stops from the Archbishop at St Patrick’s.
Entrance: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Gifts: Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
Communion: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Recessional: Organ music
CWB2:447 – All the Earth Proclaim the Lord [Deiss]
CWB2:629 – Thus Says the Lord of Hosts [Forster / NUN DANKET]
CWB2:596 – Shepherd of Souls, in Love, Come Feed Us [Westendorf / NEUMARK]
CWB2:621 – The Voice of God Goes Out through All the World [Connaughton / WOODLANDS]
The gifts hymn (#629) is not well known, but is specific to today’s liturgy and is sung to the tune used by “Now Thank We All Our God”, and that tune everyone should know!
CWB2:584 – Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness [Edwards/ NETTLETON]
CWB2:512 – I Heard the Voice That Jesus Says [Bonar / KINGSFOLD]
CWB2:467 – Christ Is the World’s Light, Christ and None Other [Green / CHRISTE SANCTORUM]
CWB2:653 – You Walk along Our Shoreline [Dunstan / AURELIA]
Done it again! Sorry, that last post is for the following week.(3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Gathering: Here at This Table (Whitaker)
Mass Parts: Mass of St. Ann (Bolduc)
Psalm: Here I Am (Cooney)
Gifts: Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Dorsey)
Communion: We Are Many Parts (Haugen)
Eye Has Not Seen (Haugen)
Closing: Stand by Me (Kendzia)