Pilgrims of Hope by Michael Herry

This is Michael Herry‘s hymn for the Jubilee year, co-written with Tricia Murray, and set to BUNESSAN. It has a Marian text and is a natural for the Star of the Sea parish here in George Town.

You can hear a guide vocal here.

The sheet music is free here.

  1. Pilgrims of hope, we gather with Mary,
    Here in this fam’ly, seeking your way.
    Loved by the Father, baptized in Jesus,
    Out of the darkness into the day.
  2. God of compassion, tender and patient,
    Deepen our faith in Jesus, your Son.
    Send us the Spirit, guide ev’ry pilgrim,
    Lead us to pasture on our way home.
  3. Pilgrims of hope, we boldly proclaim you,
    Pledging our lives to live in your light.
    Beyond the shadows, hope will not fail us,
    Radiant your presence, holy and bright.
  4. Renew our hearts and lives in your Spirit,
    Deepen our faith to live in your love.
    Where two or three are gathered together,
    There you are with us, here and above.
  5. Joy to you Mary, blest among women,
    Beacon to fain hearts, Star of the Sea.
    Lead us O Mother to your son Jesus;
    He is our Good News, hope given free.

I’m pretty sure it was Chris who alerted me to this one and he has his helpful backing + music post on YouTube.

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