Our Holy Offering

The is a song for the Procession of the Gifts from Erwin Cabucos. He provides four verses, which either covers a very long procession, or means you can choose the most appropriate verses for each liturgy. I reckon the first two verses would be enough for most Sundays.

I like the way the verses skip into the more expansive chorus.

With a lot of Dave McGregor songs left to do and new Emmanuel Worship coming out, I’ll be doing a lot of Queensland music for a while.

The sheet music can be purchased at sheetmusicplus.

1 We bring to this off’ring the gifts of bread and wine.

The fruit of our human hands, they become Christ’s body and blood

That nourishes us all to life with him; so divine.

2 We bring to this off’ring, the love we share every day

And the pain we endure on the way, in the sacrifices we make

As we strive to serve our God so divine, so divine.


We pray for hope and joy, we pray for peace and justice

As Christ unites our heart’s desires

To his own offering of Himself to God the Father, the Father.

3 We bring to this off’ring, the sacred gift to forgive

The one who may’ve broken our heart and ourselves when we fail to love.

Grant us, Lord, warmth of Your healing, so divine.


4 We bring to this off’ring, our prayer for the plight of our home,

As we yearn to preserve what are left, to decide and act that are best.

To care for our world God has first created, so divine.


© 2024 Erwin Cabuscos

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One Response to Our Holy Offering

  1. Chris Wroblewski says:

    I don’t know if he intended to do this, but the full arrangements for all his music that sell for $5.99 on sheetmusicplus are on OneLicense to download for free. In each case, click on page 1 to download. The other pages are for guitar and congregation.

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