This is a text by Thomas Aquinas that deSilva has set to a tune he learned in India at school.
His sheet music is here. Hymnary have more background and other settings.
BIAB made up the chords and I made a backing:
O Salutaris
St. Thomas Aquinas (1227 – 1274)
O salutaris hostia,
quae caeli pandis ostium,
bella premunt hostilia,
da robur, fer auxilium.Uni trinoque Domino
sit sempiterna gloria,
qui vitam sine termino
nobis donet in patria.Amen.
O Saving Victim
John Mason Neale (1818 – 1866)
O saving victim, op’ning wide
the gate of heav’n to man below;
our foes press on from ev’ry side;
thine aid supply, thy strength bestow.To thy great name be endless praise,
immortal Godhead, One in Three;
O grant us endless length of days
in our true native land with thee.Amen.