O Blessed Mother

This is a sung prayer of invocation to the BVM to intercede in times of illness, written by Erwin Cabucos from Queensland, Australia.

My Presbyterian upbringing has left me with many things: a belief that any psalm can be made metrical if mangled enough, that any sermon less than an hour is a gift from God and an ongoing difficulty with Marian hymns.

That said, this is a sung prayer that will appeal to many, in fact Erwin says it is the most popular song he has written, based on You Tube views.

The sheet music is available at sheetmusicplus.

My backings have a different feel to Erwin’s, mine just scream Band in a Box, but you can sing along to my backing or his minus one to learn the song.

Verse 1
O Blessed Mother here I shall fall
Into your grace of loving embrace
I long to be cured of my ailment
Take me to the healing of Christ

O Mother Mary, please pray for me
That Jesus’ mercy will sanctify me
May His light and warmth come upon me
And my illness will fade away

Verse 2
O Blessed Mother here I do stay
Into your arms of comfort and care
Take my prayer to the Breath of God
May I be healed in the Name of the Lord

O Mother Mary, please pray for me
That Jesus’ mercy will sanctify me
May His light and warmth come upon me
And my illness will fade away

O Blessed Mother here I do pray
Into your hands my longing will lay
Through your intercession of your children’s prayers
May I be bathed with His abundant grace

O Mother Mary, please pray for me
That Jesus’ mercy will sanctify me
May His light and warmth come upon me
And my illness will fade away

Text and Music © 2024 Erwin Cabucos

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