Entrance: Send Down the Fire (Haugen) AOV 2/164
Psalm 18 (McKenna)
The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.
Gifts: Lord, to Whom Shall We Go (Herry) AOV 1/6
Communion: In the Breaking of the Bread (Hurd) AOV 1/58
Thanksgiving: Lift Up Your Hearts (O’Connor) AOV 1/156
Recessional: We Are Called (Haas) AOV 2/60
Gathering: He Is Exalted (Paris)
Mass Parts: Mass of St. Ann (Bolduc)
Psalm: Lord, You Have the Words (Haas)
Gifts: Turn to Me (Foley)
*At one Mass, the children’s choir sang He Know My Name (Walker)
Communion: You Are Mine (Haas)
Seek Ye First (Lafferty)
Closing: How Can I Keep From Singing (Lowry)