We haven’t had a music meeting locally yet so our music coordinator has kindly picked songs for next weekend and we will meet after that to sort out some selections for upcoming weeks.
Hymns 2/3 September
Entrance: All Are Welcome (Vs 1,3,4)
Psalm: Sung- A MacKenna
Gospel Acclamation: Sung Spoken Sung (Paul Mason)
Offertory: The Fullness of God (All)
Communion: Will you Love Me?/ Unless a Grain of Wheat- All
Thanksgiving: The Summons (Vs 1,2,5)
Recessional: Lord, the Light of your Love (Vs 1, 3)
Meanwhile. I’m playing in Tasmania where the songs are:
Here I am Lord
We Remember
Prayer of St Francis
Create a New Heart
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Gathering: Lift High the Cross (Newbolt/Kitchin; CRUCIFER)
Mass Setting: Mass of Creation (Haugen)
Psalm: My Soul Is Thirsting (Proulx)
Gifts: The Summons (Bell)
Communion: We Remember (Haugen)
Closing: Take Up Your Cross (Everest; OLD HUNDREDTH)