Music for the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time Year B 24th/25th August 2024

Entrance:  All Are Welcome (Haugen)

Psalm 33 (McKenna)

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

Gifts: Lord, to Whom Shall We Go (Herry) AOV 1/6

Communion: Come to the Table (Burland) AOV NG 33

Recessional: Send Us Out (Bryant) AOVD

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2 Responses to Music for the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time Year B 24th/25th August 2024

  1. CWB2:449 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus! [Dix / HYFRYDOL]
    CWB2:576 O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts [Quinn / JESU DULCIS MEMORIA]
    CWB2:651 You Satisfy the Hungry Heart [Westendorf / GIFT OF FINEST WHEAT]
    CWB2:560 Now Let Us from This Table Rise [Kaan / WINCHESTER NEW]

  2. Ryan says:

    Gathering: Lift Up Your Hearts (O’Connor)
    Mass Parts: Mass of St. Ann (Bolduc)
    Psalm: Taste and See (Haugen – The Lyric Psalter)
    Gifts: Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Farrell)
    Communion: Look Beyond (Ducote)
    Love Goes On (Farrell)
    Closing: With One Voice (Manalo)

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