Entrance: Gather As One (McKenna) AOV NG 48
Psalm 16 (McKenna)
Lord, when your glory appears my joy will be full.
Gifts: Shepherd Me O God (Haugen) AOV 1/33
Communion: In the Breaking of the Bread (Hurd) AOV 1/58
Thanksgiving: On Eagles Wings (Joncas) AOV 1/153
Recessional: Glory in the Cross (Schutte) GAB 172 (Easter text)
All People That on Earth Do Dwell [Kethe / OLD HUNDREDTH]
Psalm setting: John Schiavone
The Church’s One Foundation [Stone / AURELIA]
Gift of Finest Wheat [Westendorf / BICENTENNIAL]
I Know That My Redeemer Lives [Medley / DUKE STREET]
We’ve been using Michael Herry’s psalm settings for a while, but, alas, for this week he has inadvertently used last week’s verses with this week’s antiphon. Not that I’m in a position to complain about a silly mistake from this wonderful free service: some fool who shall remain nameless put two of the hymn numbers on the board in reverse order last weekend and didn’t notice until the end. Not the first time, either!
If you are interested there is another website with excellent Psalm settings which I have been using a lot.
To God be the glory
I shall be filled when I awake with the sight of your glory O Lord
I am the resurrection – Ray Repp
Accept O Father in thy love
I am the bread of life
Shelter me O God
Walk in the light
Gathering: Christ in Me Arise (Thomson)
Mass Parts: Mass of the Beloved
Psalm: Lord, When Your Glory Appears (Alonso)
Gifts: All Is Well With My Soul (Landry/Spafford)
Communion: Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Dorsey)
We Will Rise Again (Haas)
Closing: Let There Be Peace on Earth (Miller/Jackson)