Entrance: One Body In Christ (McKenna) AOV NG 102
Psalm 39 (McKenna)
Here I am Lord; I come to do your will.
Gifts: Lord, to Whom Shall We Go (Herry) AOV 1/6
Communion: Here I Am Lord (Schutte) AOV 1/90
Recessional: Hearts on Fire (Mangan) AOV NG 62
CWB2:448 All People That on Earth Do Dwell [Kethe / OLD 100TH]
CWB2:614 The Church’s One Foundation [Stone / AURELIA]
CWB2:638 Where There Is Charity and Love [Connolly / JEREMY]
CWB2:489 Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go [Quinn / SONG 34]
Gathering: Gather Your People (Hurd)
Mass Parts: Mass of St. Ann (Bolduc)
Psalm: Here Am I (Alonso – The Lyric Psalter)
Gifts: Hold On to Love (Manibusan)
Communion: The Summons (Bell)
Closing: Sent Forth by God’s Blessing (Westendorf; ASH GROVE)