Entrance: Merciful God (Alonso)
Psalm 33 (McKenna)
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
Gifts: As Gentle As Silence (White) CWB II 580
Communion: Blest Be the Lord (Schutte) AOV 1/179
Recessional: Hope in Love (Bierer, Deegan, Hart, Lynch Watts)
CWB2:301 ‐ The Glory of These Forty Days [Bell / DEO GRACIAS]
CWB2:297 ‐ Our Father, We Have Wandered [Nichols / NESHANIC]
CWB2:648 ‐ Yes, I Shall Arise [Deiss]
CWB2:450 ‐ Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound [Newton / NEW BRITAIN]