Entrance: Gather Your People (Hurd) AOV 1/71
Psalm 145 (McKenna)
Audio PlayerHappy the poor in spirit; the kingdom of heaven is theirs!
Gifts: Be Merciful (Haugen)
Communion: A Place at the Table (Shirley Erena Murray – Lori True) AOV NG 1
Bread Broken Wine Shared (Horner) AOV 2/155
Thanksgiving: Beatitudes (Balhoff- Ducote)
Recessional: Bring Forth the Kingdom of God (Haugen) AOV 2/4
Gathering: Gather Your People (Hurd)
Mass Setting: Mass of the Angels and Saints (Janco)
Psalm: Happy the Poor in Spirit (Porter)
Gifts: The Servant Song (Gillard)
Communion: Blest Are They (Haas)
Closing: Lead Me, Lord (Becker)