Music for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2nd/3rd July 2016

This is the Sunday we celebrate the feast of St Peter after whom our church is named.

Entrance: All Are Welcome (Haugen)

Psalm 65 (McKenna)

Let the earth cry out to God with joy.

Gifts: Here I Am Lord (Schutte) AOV 1/90

Communion: Seed, Scattered and Sown (Feiten) GA 195

Christ be Our Light (Farrell) AOV 2/3

Thanksgiving: You Are My Rock (Chinn)

Recessional: Lord, the Light of Your Love (Kendrick) AOV 2/59

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8 Responses to Music for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2nd/3rd July 2016

  1. Ming says:

    St Agatha’s, Clayfield, QLD on Sunday 2016-07-03 at 7am

    Gathering Song: Praise to the Lord the Almighty (LOBE DEN HERREN) GA 421
    Psalm: read
    Preparation of the Gifts: Dona Nobis Pacem AOV1 106
    Communion: Song of the Body of Christ (David Haas) GA 200
    Thanksgiving: Quiet Music (?)
    Recessional: Glory and Praise to Our God (Dan Schutte) GA 417

    As I am away this weekend, I pre-recorded the accompaniment at home on our piano (make them close to 2 minutes each) onto my android phone, and sent as e-mail attachments to Rosemary, our parish secretary, who imbeds the sound files into the powerpoint presentation. I have not seen (heard) it in action yet.

    I have recorded the sections of Mass Shalom previously when another musician was not available.

    • admin says:


      I hope it works. I always worry about technology failing but I have no qualms about using recorded music created specifically for a parish’s needs. Singing to recorded backings usually needs a confident singer to lead and keep people to the timing backing recording.


      • Ming says:

        Thank you, Geoff. I don’t think I will ever get a chance to sit through a mass with recorded music at our parish, because I would be playing …

        I recorded two hymns for thanksgiving quiet music so they have a choice, or re-use some other recordings they already have.

        – Prayer of St Francis: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace (Sebastian Temple) GA 490
        – Open my eyes (Jesse Manibusan) AOV1 166

  2. R.S. says:

    opening: Table of Plenty (Schutte)
    offertory: The Eyes and Hands of Christ (Kendzia)
    communion: Christ the Lord (Hart, Feduccia)
    closing: America the Beautiful (Bates)

    • Ryan says:

      I love “Christ the Lord.” It’s a nice modern hymn. Very simplistic, but I think that’s kind of a nice change from many newer songs that have confusing bridges, repeats, and changing verse rhythms.

  3. Ryan says:

    Gathering: God Has Chosen Me (Farrell)

    Mass Parts w/When We Eat: Mass of Christ the Savior (Schutte)
    Psalm 66: Let All the Earth (Haugen) – revised version from GIA’s Lyric Psalter

    Gifts: The Summons (Bell)

    Communion: City of God (Schutte)
    Sing of the Lord’s Goodness (Sands)

    Closing: Go to the World! (Dunstan; SINE NOMINE)

  4. Emma@Ipswich says:

    St Mary’s Sunday 8am mass:
    Entrance – Lift up your hearts (O’Connor)
    Psalm – All the Ends of the Earth (Haugen) (psalm setting)
    Alleluia number 1, vs 2
    Gifts – Come With Me into the Fields (Schutte)
    Communion – Bread Broken, Wine Shared (Horner)
    Post-communion – Peace Prayer (Foley)
    Recessional – Peace is Flowing like a River (Landry)

    We had a visiting priest, Father Morgan Batt, presiding this morning. Father Morgan is the Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Brisbane. He’s a wonderful speaker and his homily was along the lines of the gospel “the harvest is here but where are the labourers?” so I was pleased that I’d chosen “Come With Me Into the Fields” to sing straight after for the offertory. Divine inspiration?!

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