I was waiting for our music meeting to post the selections for Lent. It was decided to have no song after communion with either silence or a chant. I’ll go silence for our masses. I was going to use a seasonal psalm, but since I will be switching from Saturday Vigil to Sunday mass at times during Lent, there isn’t the continuity to warrant it.
Entrance: Merciful God (Alonso)
Psalm 90 ( McKenna)
Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble.
Gifts: Ashes ( Conroy) AOV 2/16
Communion: Be Not Afraid (Dufford) AOV 1/114
Recessional: Praise To You O Christ (Farrell) AOV 1/28
Eucharist acclamations will be a cappella from the Roman Missal.
except for the 4th Sunday where the Mass of Saint Ambrose ﴾piano﴿ should be used.
The entrance antiphon will be chanted at the conclusion of the entrance hymn;
the communion antiphon before the start of the communion hymn, using John Ainslie’s simple setting without verses.
CWB2:285 ‐ Again We Keep This Lenten Fast [Scagnelli / ERHALT UNS, HERR]
CWB2:288 ‐ Forty Days and Forty Nights [Smyttan / HEINLEIN]
CWB2:295 ‐ May This Lenten Discipline [McAuley / LINDFIELD]
CWB2:289 ‐ From Ashes to the Living Font [Hommerding / SAINT FLAVIAN]