All but one Australian song, this week.
Entrance: Come, Now is the Time to Worship (Doerksen) AOV NG 29
Psalm 137 (McKenna)
In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord.
Gifts: Harvest (Grant) AOV Digital
Communion: To the Table We Are Called (O’Brien/Harvey) AOVD
Recessional: Galilee Song (Andersen) AOV 1/15
504 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name [Walworth / GROSSER GOTT]
653 You Walk along Our Shoreline [Dunstan / AURELIA]
472 Church of God, Elect and Glorious [Seddon / HYFRYDOL]
308 Lord, You Give the Great Commission [Rowthorn / ABBOT’S LEIGH]
Gathering: Sing to the Mountains (Dufford)
Mass Parts: Mass of St. Ann (Bolduc)
Psalm: In the Sight of the Angels (Alstott – Respond & Acclaim)
Gifts: These Alone Are Enough (Schutte)
Communion: Here I Am, Lord (Schutte)
The Summons (Bell)
Closing: God Has Chosen Me (Farrell)