If you want to know where things are precaution wise with church locally, look here where you can book your free tickets to Mass from next week onwards.
Entrance: Canticle of Creation (Watts-O’Brien) AOV NG 20
Psalm 64 (McKenna)
The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.
Gifts: Open My Eyes (Manibusan) AOV 1/166
Communion: Seed, Scattered and Sown (Feiten) GA 195
Thanksgiving: Praise To You O Christ (Farrell) AOV 1/28
Recessional: Bring Forth the Kingdom (Haugen) AOV 2/4
Current parish:
Gathering: Christ, Be Our Light (Farrell)
Psalm: The Seed That Falls on Good Ground (Alonso)
Alleluia: Mass of the Angels and Saints (Janco)
Communion: Seed, Scattered and Sown (Feiten)
We Belong to You (Thomson/Thomson)
Closing: O Bless the Lord (Michaels)
Home parish:
Gathering: For the Beauty of the Earth (Pierpoint; DIX)
Mass Parts: Mass of Christ the Savior (Schutte)
Psalm: The Seed That Falls on Good Ground (Alstott)
Alleluia No. VII (Alstott)
Gifts: In This Place Your Word Is Planted (Dufner; STUTTGART)
Communion: Seed, Scattered and Sown (Feiten)
Praise to You, O Christ Our Savior (Farrell)
Closing: Glory and Praise to Our God (Schutte)