Here goes:
Parts of the mass from Taylor’s Mass of St Francis
(+ Lenten Gospel Acclamation by Mason until Vigil)
Holy Thursday:
Table of Plenty (Schutte)
Psalm “Our Blessing Cup” (Mason)
Washing of the feet
The Lord Jesus (Norbet)
As I Have Done for You (Schutte)
Gifts -Blessed Be Our God (McKenna)
Communion – Bread Broken, Wine Shared (Horner)
A New Commandment (anon)
Procession to Altar
Holy Darkness (Schutte)
Good Friday
Response – Psalm 31
O Father I put my life, my life in Your hand. (Bonighton)
Will You Love Me (Boniwell)
Behold the Wood (Schutte)
Were You There? (trad)
Into the Darkness (Dawn)
Tree of Life (Thompson)
We Remember (Haugen)
Glory in the Cross (Schutte)
Jesus Remember Me (Berthier)
Unless a Grain of Wheat (Farrell)
I Have Loved You (Joncas)
Jesus Remember Me (Berthier)
Easter Vigil
Exultet – Christ Our Light – tune: Christ Be Our Light (Farrell)
Response – Canticle of Creation (Watts – O’Brien)
Psalm – Behold the Glory of God (O’Connor)
Psalm – Springs of Salvation (Andersen)
Gospel Acclamation Celtic Alleluia (O’Carroll – Walker)
Baptism – River of Glory (Schutte)
Gifts – Blessed be Our God (McKenna)
Our Supper Invitation (Bates)
Gather Us In (Haugen)
Alleluia No 1 (Fishel)
Thanksgiving – Jesus Is Risen (O’Brien – Ogilvie)
Recessional – Lord the Light of Your Love (Kendrick)
Easter Sunday
Morning Has Broken (Farjeon)
Ps 118 (O’Brien)
This is the day the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad Alleluia.
Gospel Acclamation – Celtic Alleluia (O’Carroll – Walker)
Gifts – Jesus is Risen (O’Brien – Ogilvie)
Table of Plenty (Schutte)
Come to the Table (Burland)
Thanksgiving – Lord the Light of Your Love (Kendrick)
Recessional – Sing to the Mountains (Dufford)
We have a number of choirs in my parish, and my choir is rostered for our Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord mass.
E: He is Not Here (David Haas)
Sequence: Christians to the Paschal Victim (Ken Canedo) (lyrics modified to the Australian wording of the Sequence, rather than the US wording).
PoG: Alleluia No 1 (Donald Fishel)
C: Easter Alleluia (Marty Haugen)
Christ in Me Arise (Trevor Thomson)
R: New People, New Life (Helen Beha)
Mass setting: Glorify
Is this the entrance song?
If so… like wow.
Yes, it is. We’ve sung it for a few years now, so it is part of the congregation’s collective memory. However, we may need to cut it short this year – at the beginning of the year our parish priest let us know to limit the length of all entrance songs to no more than three verses.
It isn’t too difficult to pick up as quite a few elements of the song repeat – and the sheet music is much easier to follow when you have the mp3.
We are also helped by a very capable pianist, which allows us do the song justice.
OK. Here is my parish list for tonight (Holy Thursday). Mass Parts are Mass of Glory and Praise with Memorial Acclamation 2, When We Eat This Bread
* Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Gathering: Glory in the Cross (Schutte)
Reception of Holy Oils: How Blessed Are You (Gather Australia)
Psalm: The Name of God (Haas) with refrain 2 “Our Blessing Cup is a Communion…”
Washing of Feet: So You Must Do (Haugen) & Ubi Caritas (Berthier)
POG: We Come to Your Feast (Joncas)
Communion: Table Song (Haas) & Ubi Caritas (Berthier) – if required
Start of Adoration: Stay Here and Keep Watch With Me (Berthier)
* Night Prayer of the Church to end time of Adoration
Hymn: Holy Darkness (Schutte) verse 1, 2, & 5
Anthem to Mary: Hail Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star
End of Night Prayer: O Silent God (Zaragoza)
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