Entrance: Hail Redeemer King Divine (Brennan – Elvey)
Psalm 121 (McKenna)
Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord
Gifts: All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford) AOV 1/76
Communion: We Remember (Haugen) AOV 1/81
Thanksgiving: All You Works of God (Haugen) AOV 1/19
Recessional: Lord, The Light of Your Love (Kendrick) AOV 2/59
Hail, Redeemer, King Divine [Brennan / REX]
Psalm setting: John Schiavone
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus! [Dix / HYFRYDOL]
By Your Priestly Power, O Risen Lord [McAuley / TRAVALLI]
Rejoice, the Lord Is King [Wesley / DARWALL’S 148TH]
Gathering: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (Perronet; CORONATION)
Mass Parts: Mass of the Beloved
Psalm: Come, Let Us Go Rejoicing (Haugen)
*Ensemble Masses: Let Us Go Rejoicing (Harbor)
Gifts: What Wondrous Love Is This (anon; WONDROUS LOVE)
*Children’s Choir: Mighty to Save (Morgan/Fielding)
Communion: At the Name of Jesus (Walker/Noel)
I Am the Bread of Life (Toolan)
Closing: He Is Exalted (Paris)