I have a few more songs from All Together Again that were sourced for the Praise to God Hymn book by the Dominicans. There were a lot more but they have been covered on this blog from other sources.
This is an anonymous reworking of Psalm 100. The chords are just C/Am/F/G over and over again but I suppose that is just the classic four chord song.
I don’t think my backing has enough “rhythmic boldness”.
As this song is PD and finding the sheet music amongst the thousands of other arrangements is more trouble than it is worth, here is the arrangement from PTG. The hand written appearance is the most common style in the book, although there are others that are cut and pasted in – in those days literally.
I notice from YouTube clips that many people are so bored they put in multiple key changes.
In case you have missed the wonders of the four chord song…