Erwin Cabucos has sent two more songs with which I can round out the year. Erwin is Queensland based teacher and author, originally from the Phillipines. He has had a prolific year of songwriting that just keeps going.
This one is a psalm-like sung prayer of gratitude, which is a recurring theme in his songs. He is a great antidote for grumpy old cynics like myself.
The sheet music is available at sheetmusicplus.
My backings don’t sound much like his versions but here is my attempt. He is unafraid of “la-las”, but I, being less brave, make them guitar solos. The verses need attention to the variations in tune to fit the text. There is a harmony part for the second and third verse.
1 Lord, you alone satisfy
My thirst for happiness,
My quest for purpose.
Lord, you alone gratify
My longing for joy.
My wanting for meaning in life.
Refrain: I seek you, Lord, for a happy, fulfilled life.
I look to you who keeps my spirit alive.
I cling to you from all the strife in this world.
I trust in you, you are my hope, O Lord.
2 Your sacred words are guide and light
That brighten my meagre path
To a holy life.
Your beatitudes purify
My heart for compassion
And hope-filled attitude for the world.
3 You alone are worthy of praise and glory.
You’re my rock, my fortress.
Saving me from enemies.
You knit me together in my mother’s womb,
My heart is restless
Until it finds rest in thee.
Words and music © 2024 Erwin Cabucos