Let’s God Glory Be Seen (Collab project)

I wrote this song last year based on the readings from the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. If I feel like writing a song but I am not sure where to start, it’s not a bad idea to do that and if things work out you have a song to match a liturgy.

I am most open to suggestions for improvement. The creative commons licence I have selected does allow for adaptations with the proviso that everything stays non-commercial.

1 We are not forsaken.
Our land is not abandoned.
God is always our help.
To his way we are wedded.

Let God’s glory be seen,
Shining like the dawn,
Flaming like a torch,
Firing our Antiphon.

2 All good gifts God gives us,
Fair is his judgement.
Spirit give us wisdom,
So we may not be silent.

© 2023 Geoffrey Madden


I tried to make demos but I don’t think I was following my own tune 100%. I also changed antiphon to song but I’m not sure if that is good or bad.

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