Jesus, Jesus, Let Me Tell You What I Know PTG 266

This anonymous song is also sung as “can I tell you how I feel” and is often performed as a round.

To quote Mary, at Godsongs:

This simple hymn is a statement of faith in, or love for, Jesus.

The author and composer are unknown: some people say that it was popular in the “Jesus movement” in the 1960s / 70s, but no published versions have been found (presumably because it is so simple, they weren’t needed).

She’s probably right, but the Dominican Fathers thought it was worth publishing and copyrighted their arrangement. Since they got it from All Together Again, they must have thought it worth publishing too, I suppose. No matter – there is sheet music at Godsongs if you need it.

PTG has a second and third verse, although most versions I have heard have just the one. I like the second verse – Emmaus in two lines.

1 Jesus, Jesus, let me tell you what I know.

You have given us your Spirit: we love you so.

2 Jesus, Jesus, took the bread and blessed and broke it,

Then our eyes and hearts were opened: “It was the Lord”.

3 Jesus, Jesus, it is written he would suffer,

On the third day he would rise; this we have seen.

Alternative lyrics:

Jesus, Jesus, can I tell You how I feel?
You have given me Your riches, I love You so.

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