His Banner Over Me Is Love PTG 175

OK, this one I do know from my Presbyterian Sunday School upbringing complete with actions. This is another song that was sourced for the Praise to God hymn book from All Together Again, the Lutheran Songbook, but I won’t blame them for it.

No one admits to have written this one, which is unsurprising, as it is the “Baby Shark” of Christian children’s songs. Hymnary has the sheet music if you must and can’t find it elsewhere. I’ve seen lots of different verses but nothing to match the 16(!) in PTG. Each verse repeats a line three times and finishes with, “His banner over me is love”.

  1. I am my beloved, and he is mine…
  2. He brought me to the banqueting table…
  3. He is the rock of my salvation…
  4. He placed my feet on firm foundation…
  5. Jesus built his church on the rock of Peter…
  6. The one way to peace is the power of the cross…
  7. And now I am a new creation…
  8. There’s therefore now no condemnation…
  9. He calls me by name and I follow where he leads me…
  10. I’m seated with him in heavenly places…
  11. He fills my cup to overflowing…
  12. He’s working in me by his Holy Spirit…
  13. He’s gone to prepare a place for me…
  14. He’ll come again that we may be together…
  15. He calls us all to stand up and witness…
  16. He tells us all to lift hands in prayer…
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