This one is listed as author unknown but I have seen it attributed to Stuart Townend. You can hear a version here that has all three parts. It is another slow burn P&W song with the novelty of the three parts to sustain it. It’s the sort of song that you can repeat forever and drop lines in and out to the Spirit’s content.
My backing is at 70bpm and the three parts come in sequentially. I had to actually use Realband to put the third line in and since I have no idea what I am doing in that program I apologise for any noticeable ropiness. Each vocal line is separated in the stereo specturm to help with learning the parts.
Is there any chance of getting the third part on it’s own? I just can’t fix it in my head when the other parts are playing.
G’Day Paul.
I’ll have a look at the original file and see if I can mute the other lines. It might be a few days though.
I hope that helps.