My mind has come up blank for this very lovely tune by Bob Hurd setting a text by Owen Alstott. I suspect the refrain would be more useful without the set prayers and the sheet music suggests a musical interlude for spoken prayers. You can buy it here. I think we’ll have to start using this again.
Gracious God, hear us.
Gracious God, hear us.
Verse 1
For all who shepherd this, the flock of Christ:
Strengthen them; fill them with your love.
Verse 2
For all who govern nations great and small:
Make them wise; bless their hands with peace.
Verse 3
For all the hungry, all the poor on earth:
May your Church care for all in need.
Verse 4
For those here present, fragile vessels all,
Day by day trusting in your word.
© Bob Hurd 1988.