Ryan mentioned this song in a comment here and Mary’s parish recessed to it recently.
I’ve played it a couple of times years ago and had trouble because the sheet music didn’t match how the assembly had decided to sing it since time immemorial. They improved it a lot from memory and belted it out. It is, of course, THE recessional!
The text is here. It is by Alan Dale and Hubert Richards and Godsongs has all the background on the song.
Bob Sorem’s MIDI file reveals it’s full hurdy gurdiness. (Under “God’s Spirit…”)
My backing was made from sheet music that has evaporated but I think I adjusted it based on how it was sung locally.
I love this song! It seems every version of it I’ve heard is sang or played slightly differently. When we used it, we lengthened the 3 or 4 repeated words at the end of each verse to 3 beats each. The MIDI you linked to seems to do something similar, but it puts a fermata/pause on each of those words. We always kept those words in time with the rest of the music, just held longer than written.