This is a paraphrase of the Gloria for children and is still in use in schools who value its usability over strictly following the words. I’ve always heard it called the “Clap Gloria”. It was written in the eighties by Michael Anderson when getting the words right wasn’t as big a deal. It is from his Mass of the Risen Lord.
If you go to his website he has the sheet music, vocal track and backing track available. He rockets it along at 152 beats/min but I think 140 is more comfortable for the kids to catch their breath.
I made a backing too:
These children do a great job:
PLEASE, ignore the previous version. This is the current one and the one that works well. – THANK YOU!):
This is my Spanish version:
Glo-ri-a (dos aplausos), Glo-ri-a (dos aplausos),
In ex-cel-sis De-o,
Glo-ri-a (dos aplausos), Glo-ri-a (dos aplausos),
In ex-cel-sis De-o.
Oh Dios, Rey ce-les-tial,
Tú nos das la paz;
Tea-do-ra-mos, a-gra-de-ce-mos,
Can-ta-mos a-la-ban-zas.
Je-sús, Sal-va-dor,
Cor-de-ro de Dios,
Tú nos lim-pias, del pe-ca-do,
Ó-ye-nos y ten pie-dad.
A la diez-tra del Pa-dre,
Es-cu-cha-nos Se-ñor,
Por-que só-lo, tú e-res el San-to,
Y nues-tro Sal-va-dor.
Glo-ria, Pa-dre e Hi-jo,
Glo-ria, Es-pí-ri-tu!
A ti al-za-mos, nues-tras manos,
tu nom-bre e-xal-ta-mos.
G’Day Adrian
That’s wonderful. Many thanks and I hope others find it useful.
Do you have a recording of it in Spanish?