Gather in Your Name G3 936

I am on the seemingly never ending last stretch of songs in Gather 3rd edition that I haven’t already blogged because they came to my attention in other collections or from local use. The kinds of neglected music I am finding are Irish, African, African-American, Spanish, songs by American priests and hymns by women in general.

This is is a very restrained Eucharist song with plenty of verses for long processions, from Lori True. The tune has many nice touches, modulating to Db in the verses, pretty triplets, etc, but I don’t think the official version’s arrangement flatters the song. Maybe shorn of harmonies and with simple accompaniment it may shine.

The sheet music is at GIA, where the text is in their preview. The guitar version I have has to sandwich the words for the different vocal lines in the refrain into the sheet music, so the main line is above the staves. I find that confusing, but it does give all the harmony lines for those who want them.

This clip won’t embed and it is better than the official release so listen here:

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