One of the highlights of any APMN conference is the conference mass. Even if you don’t attend the conference, if one turns up in your city go to the mass. When everyone in the assembly is a musician or singer the participation lifts the roof off and this year at St Stephen’s was no different. They also had two choirs, brass, organ and band to shove things along.
The music was:
Mass of Praise of Glory (Mason) – fun to sing that again
Entrance: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty LOBE DEN HERREN (Willcock’s arrangement)
Prayer of the Faithful:
O God of life, you raise us up.
Hear us, hear our prayer
Erica Marshall
Gifts: Bread of Angels (Stephan)
Communion: Come to the Table (Burland)
From the Many Make Us One (Huck/Alonso)
Thanksgiving: Bread of Angels (Stephan)
Recessional: In Faith and Hope and Love (McAuley/Connolly)
The only one I have never blogged of these, apart from Marshall’s prayer, is “From the Many Make Us One”, which has a text by Gabe Huck and is set by Tony Alonso. It is meant to be cantor and assembly alternating but I reckon it can be done sung through just as well.
The sheet music is available at GIA, where the text is in their preview. Astute readers of thes blog will note I have strayed from Australian only material – to cover the conference and new OCP releases that will be necessary. Normal service will be resumed when able.
I made a backing of this song for learning purposes, but I recommend you hear it sung by an assembly that sings.