Forgive Me

We Follow Jesus, the latest John Burland collection, has songs for lots of circumstances that would come up in First Communion and Reconciliation preparation.

This song would be also useful for a Second Rite, or in Lent, or when the reading of the Prodigal Son comes up.

My backing has a mildly soul feel.

1 He left his father’s house
To live a life his way
All lost and alone
No money and no friends
He was on his own
now longing for home
With love so great
his father waits
for him with endless love

Forgive me, forgive me Lord
I’m sorry for what I’ve done
Forgive me, forgive me Lord
Your love I cannot outrun
Forgive me Lord
Forgive me Lord

2 Jesus you’re the way
Jesus you’re the truth
You are the life
But when I’ve turned away
hear my heart it cries
Lord I pray to you
With love so great
our Father waits
for us with endless love

© 2023 John Burland

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