Another absolutely wonderful wedding song from John Bell and Graham Maule of the WGRG. Like “Blessing the Marriage” (AOV 2/35) it is to a traditional tune, this time “Slane” (ie the tune for “Be Thou My Vision”). This priest mentions this song when talking about the need to have familiar tunes when people come together for a wedding who usually do not worship together and that is right up John Bell’s street.
The text is just great – I’m still getting over Jesus “taking the roles of waiter and priest”.
God, in the planning and purpose of life,
hallowed the union of husband and wife:
this we embody where love is displayed,
rings are presented and promises made.Jesus was found, at a similar feast,
taking the roles of both waiter and priest,
turning the worldly towards the divine,
tears into laughter and water to wine.Therefore we pray that his spirit preside
over the wedding of bridegroom and bride,
fulfilling all that they’ve hoped will come true
lighting with love all they dream of and do.Praise then the Maker, the Spirit, the Son,
source of the love through which two are made one.
God’s is the glory, the goodness and grace
seen in this marriage and known in this place.
© WGRG, Iona Community, 1989.