Awake, My Soul, Awake (Partridge)

I was afflicted with a burst of wishful thinking and, as Chris pointed out, put the wrong setting of the this song up yesterday. OCP have included the Daniel Partridge setting of Harry Hagan‘s text with an additional verse by James Quinn – Benedictine + Jesuit, such diversity. Partridge is a lay catholic and brass expert.

OCP says this one is “accessible to choir and assembly alike”. I’d say suitable for some assemblies. The third and sixth verses have a different tune. The cunning setting has diminished chords and is not quite sure what key it in. Have a look at the sheet music and the text in OCP’s preview. You can purchase the sheet music at OCP as well.

I made a backing and like the music, but it appears lively music is not favoured for Breaking Bread these days.

I even like the sound of this choir, it sounds like a normal choir, rather than the odd sounding ones you often hear on OCP and GIA recordings. They sound great acapella.

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