
This is a good song that we have sung often by Tom Conry. You can hear a (noisy) version at OCP and buy the sheet music there. This is an enthusiastic version.

For some reason this always struck me as bluegrass song, although my wife’s excellent taste would never allow this to be used at Mass. My backing is at 95 bpm.

We are called, we are chosen.
We are Christ for one another.
We are promised to tomorrow,
while we are for him today.
We are sign, we are wonder.
We are sower, we are seed.
We are harvest, we are hunger.
We are question, we are creed.

1. Then where can we stand justified?
In what can we believe?
In no one else but he who suffered,
nothing more than he who rose.
Who was justice for the poor.
Who was rage against the night.
Who was hope for peaceful people.
Who was light.


2. Then how are we to stand at all,
this world of bended knee?
In nothing more than barren shadows.
No one else but he could save us.
Who was justice for the poor.
Who was rage against the night.
Who was hope for peaceful people.
Who was light.


3. Then shall we not stand empty
at the altar of our dreams:
When he promised us ourselves.
Who mark time against tomorrow.
Who are justice for the poor.
Who are rage against the night.
Who are hope for peaceful people.
Who are light.

Refrain (long gap before “we are creed” in the last refrain.)

© OCP 1978,1979.

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8 Responses to Anthem

  1. Irma S says:

    How does this song relate to the concept of sacrament

    • John Trodden SR says:

      I don’t know if I am qualoified to reply or even offer an opinion because I don’t think I understand what you mean by “sacrament”. If you mean any of the Sacraments, I believe they are all linked through the Gospels, and, to me, this hymn is also closely linked to the Gospels. It coukld be the basis for a very powerful Homily. Obviously I am a fan. Peace.

  2. Marie Knorr says:

    This is one of my favorite hymns. As a student of Catholic schools, any reference to God should begin with a capital letter. I am spiritually touched by this hymn.

  3. Tracy Kateley says:

    I love this song partly because I sang it for my Confirmation and the spiritual connection of gave me to Him as part of that Sacrament. This is as much a part of my soul as is my love for Christ. The song inspires hope, at least it does for me.

  4. Dennis Mitchell says:

    One of the many examples of how OCP gives us stones when we ask for bread.

  5. John the lesser says:

    This a wonderful and deeply galvanizing song, a most fitting accompaniment to the holy sacrifice of the Mass. It pithily distills all that we are called to do and be, without being saccharine, stodgy, or lachrymose. A truly inspired work of the Spirit.

  6. Teresiah Wambui Gathenya says:

    I love it because it has helped someone I value as a friend and as my own daughter. God continue to watch over her family and to bring peace and forgiveness. Lord hear our prayer.

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