This is a succinct gathering song with a text by Delores Dufner OSB. The setting is by Rosalie Bonighton.
I can’t find it any trace of this one outside of Gather Australia, which is a real pity. Maybe because the tune is by an Australian composer, but I read she was well respected. Maybe it just doesn’t have the push of Dufner’s work owned by the big companies.
I don’t usually put up the words anymore but I really think this may be a hidden gem. (Ok the range is a bit much but see if you can make it.)
Always on this first of days and ev’rywhere from age to age,
a people gathers to give thanks in your name, Risen Lord!
1 In your name and in your memory
we, your church assemble here,
broken in our separate lives
but in your body whole.
2 In your name and in your memory
we will hear your story told
and, in hearing, we will know
that story as our own.
3 In your name and in your memory
we will bless and break the bread,
eat and drink, and so become
the body we have shared.
text © 1991 Delores Dufner OSB.