Abba, Here I Am (Collab Project)

About ten years ago Pam Bowen from the States sent me two lyrics to see if I could set them for her. I quite liked this prayer and she liked the setting, although, after a workshop she went to, she asked for a bridge to be added. I did write music for it, but I thought ruined the simplicity that made it attractive in the first place. It didn’t make us famous or rich but after ten years I though it worth posting. Future songs in this series will invite collaboration but this one is done.

I made a backing and she got a terrific vocalist to sing it, who added her own grace notes etc.

Abba, here I am

Lying in the dark

Lost in my despair,

Fearing you’re not there.

Abba, here I am

Kneeling by my bed,

Crying in the blanket,

Feeling so alone.

Abba, here I am

Silent in my room,

Listening for your voice

Drowning out the noise.

Abba, here I am

Empty hands wide open,

Ready to receive

The grace you send to me.

Abba, here I am

Standing in your love,

Shining like a star

Reflecting who you are.

Abba, here I am

In you as you in me.

Lord, I’m ready to

Do what you’d have me do.

© 2014 words by Pamela Bowen (BMI) music by Geoffrey Madden

This is my backing with the simple tune intended.

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