Monthly Archives: August 2024

Dwellers in the Holy City G3 976

OK, it turns out there are many funeral songs in Gather 3rd edition that I haven’t looked at before. This is a Delores Dufner text here set to ST THOMAS, by John Wade, but they also suggest LAUDA ANIMA. Using … Continue reading

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Music for the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time Year B 17th/18th August 2024

Entrance: Come to the Feast (Haugen) AOV 1/151 Psalm 33 (McKenna) Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Gifts: Enemy of Apathy (Bell-Maule) AOV 2/75 Communion: Bread Broken, Wine Shared Bread  (Horner) AOV 2/155 Recessional: Sing of the Lord’s Goodness … Continue reading

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Music for the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year B 10th/11th August 2024

Entrance: Gather Your People (Hurd) AOV 1/71 Psalm 33 (McKenna) Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Gifts: The Fullness of God (Andersen) AOV 2/62 Communion: Eat This Bread (Berthier) AOV 1/125 Recessional: All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford) … Continue reading

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Music for the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year B 3rd/4th August 2024

Entrance: Gather As One  (McKenna) AOV NG 48 Psalm 77 (McKenna) The Lord gave them bread from heaven Gifts: Hosea (Norbet) AOV 1/30 Communion: Bread of Heaven  (Manibusan-Hart) Recessional: All You Works of God (Haugen) AOV 1/19

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Song of Farewell G3 974

I’ve have done several “Song of Farewell”s but not this one set by Michael Joncas in Gather 3rd edition. The text is from the Memorial Acclamation and In paradisum, with extra words from Michael Marchal. There is a special verse … Continue reading

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I Know That My Redeemer Lives G3 973

If I’m getting to funeral songs, I must be near the end of the book, although I’m surprised to find any I haven’t already blogged. I have blogged several settings of this ICEL text from the Rite of Funerals, but … Continue reading

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